Thursday, January 1, 2009

A Prayerful Journey

As the new year begins to already unfold, I thought that I would invite you to be a part of a journey with me in the year to come.

What I would like to do over the next 365 days is to go on what I am calling "A Prayerful Journey".

Each day I will post a prayer that I am praying specifically for that day (this is of course in addition the specific requests I receive daily from congregation members and others). This will give us an opportunity to pray together no matter what our location is...additionally, it will give us an opportunity to converse about where the various prayers intersect our lives.

I will still continue to post the usual posts of church life, theology, etc., but I thought this would be an interesting opportunity for the online community that is slowly forming here at Radically Altered to be uniquely connected.

For the initial posts (the first couple of weeks or so), I will be utilizing prayers written by Ted Loder (the senior pastor at First United Methodist Church in Germantown Philadelphia) in his book Guerrillas of Grace - Prayers for the Battle. This book was originally given to me by a friend (that was a member on staff) at Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University where I am completing my Masters of Divinity degree.

As our time together progresses, I will share other favorite authors and poets whose prayers continue to shape my life and ministry.

Please share your comments, insights, and reflections in the comment section as you feel led.

January 1st, 2009:

Eternal One,
Silence from whom my words come;
Questioner from whom my questions arise;
Lover of whom all my loves are hints;
Disturber in whom alone I find my rest;
Mystery in whose depths I find healing and myself;
enfold me now in your presence;
restore me to your peace;
renew me through your power;
and ground me in your grace.

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