Saturday, January 10, 2009

January 10, 2009

Here is today's prayer:

God...Are You There?

God...are you there?
I've been taught,
and told I ought
to pray.
but the doubt
won't go away;
yet neither
will my longing to be heard.
My soul sighs
too deep for words.
Do you hear me?
God...are you there?

Are you where love is?
I don't love well,
or often,
or anyone.
But, when I do,
when I take the risk,
there's a sudden awareness
of all I've missed;
and it's good,
it's singing good.
For a moment
life seems as it should.
But, I forgot, so busy soon,
that it was,
or what
or whom.
Help me!
God...are you there?

-Ted Loder (Guerrillas of Grace, pg 74)

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Profound, profound, profound...