Wednesday, January 14, 2009

January 14, 2009

Here is today's prayer:

Quicken in Me a Sense of Humor

O God of gifts,
quicken in me a sense of humor
bright enough to help me find my way
in these tarnished times,
fruitful enough to be made the wine of hope
to warm the hearts of those I live with.
Make me glad to be one of a kind,
yet one with a kind,
called not to be more like others,
but more of myself,
a guerrilla of grace,
that, in daring to be authentic,
I may become more of a human-kind.

So, O God of gifts,
liberate me to share,
without apology or arrogance,
not only the gifts I have,
but the gift I am.

-Ted Loder (Guerrillas of Grace, pg 98)

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