Monday, January 12, 2009

Church Merger Complete

Many of you have been following the church closing/merger story involving the two churches that I serve here in East Texas. Here is the latest:

Yesterday, our district superintendent held a special called church conference at Edom UMC with the sole purpose to vote on the merger (remember, Sexton Chapel had already agreed and ceased services). After some questions from folks that had not been able to be at previous meetings, a motion was made, seconded, and the vote was unanimously yes.

Much work has been done by many involved in the process to date; and now the work takes a different twist. Accounts must be settled, audited, and transferred. Buildings and assets must be reallocated or sold. Membership must be transferred and reached out to by the shepherding group of the Edom congregation. Many valuable sources of history must be archived and protected. Certain artifacts must be logged and sent to the local museum (no kidding, it was part of the merger deal!). Insurance policies, deeds, etc. must all be renegotiated. The list seems to go on ad infinitum...

One thing is for sure, there will be no shortage of work this spring!

Thanks again to all who have been in prayer for these two congregations and for Erica and I.



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