Thursday, January 8, 2009

January 8, 2009

Here is today's prayer:

Unlock the Door of My Heart

Jesus said,
"Your sins are forgiven;
rise and walk."

Forgiveness is an unlocked door
to walk through
into a wide-whoopee-open world.

Forgiveness is a seed
to water with new dreams and wild risks
until it bears unexpected fruit.

Forgiveness is and enemy-friend
to be born out of,
a quietness beneath the clamor.

Forgiveness is a flower to smell,
a wind at my back,
a gull to scream with,
a pain to laugh beneath,
a burden that carries me.

It is I
becoming We
becoming Yours

Forgiveness is a song to sing.
O Lord, unlock the door to my heart.

-Ted Loder (Guerrillas of Grace, pg 61)

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