Monday, December 29, 2008

Lesson Learned

I wanted to share with you a lesson that I was already aware of, but apparently needed to relearn recently.

Christmas day I left to go hunting with my dad and returned on Sunday. I was planning on spending the rest of my vacation doing things around the house (including some more hunting locally). Bad idea! I have been home for one day and I am already looking for ways to get away again.

So here is what I suggest. Members of congregations, let your pastors take their vacation (even if that means they are unable to get away)...they will be better for it and in turn, you will be better served by a rested (vacationed) pastor.

Pastors, take your vacations...and whenever possible, get away. This is especially important if you live in a parsonage that is next to the church. If you do not get away and stay at home, experience tells me that it is just far too convenient for parishioners to call or come by, effectively ending your vacation.

I'll chalk another one up to experience and consider it a lesson learned (I hope!).

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