I may be the only one that has this challenge, but I love to be going Mach 2 with my hair on fire. The lack of being busy can be troublesome for me and if you know me at all this will make total sense to you.
For some with this issue, they feel the need to manufacture tasks or drama to keep the pace fast and their hair on fire. I have discovered that there is enough to do on any given day that I don't need to add anything extra. But I still struggle with getting still. Yes the scriptures say a lot about the need, the urgency and the immediacy of the in-breaking of the kingdom of God. Yes the scrtures say that the harvest is plentiful and the workers are few. The Bible says all kinds of things along these lines.
But the Bible also says we should slow down, take sabbath time, recharge to be able to continue to meet the demands of life and ministry.
Specifically, Psalm 46:10 says to "be still and know that I am God."
I have a hunch that I'm not the only person that could use help in this area...so today's prayer is all about getting still.
Today's Prayer:
For some with this issue, they feel the need to manufacture tasks or drama to keep the pace fast and their hair on fire. I have discovered that there is enough to do on any given day that I don't need to add anything extra. But I still struggle with getting still. Yes the scriptures say a lot about the need, the urgency and the immediacy of the in-breaking of the kingdom of God. Yes the scrtures say that the harvest is plentiful and the workers are few. The Bible says all kinds of things along these lines.
But the Bible also says we should slow down, take sabbath time, recharge to be able to continue to meet the demands of life and ministry.
Specifically, Psalm 46:10 says to "be still and know that I am God."
I have a hunch that I'm not the only person that could use help in this area...so today's prayer is all about getting still.
Today's Prayer:
Holy God, help us to slow down the pace of our days and of our lives long enough that we might enjoy times of full communion with you. Refill our spiritual tanks, that we may have enough fuel to complete the kingdom tasks you have called us to. Allow us in our stillness to once again encounter the awesomeness of your presence and the fullness of your grace. We give you thanks for all the ways you shepherd and renew us when we submit ourselves to your care. Amen.
Amen to this one. Gotta go!
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