Monday, September 7, 2009

September 7, 2009

Here is today's prayer:

O Lord, help me to see and understand myself properly
in relation to other people. I set myself in your will and
seek to find myself as your child. Melt me, mold me, fill
me with your gracious love.

Let me relax into your keeping. Remove anxiety, renew
me by your love. For these few minutes, let me not rush,
or press for results, or talk too much. Help me to trust
your sovereign goodness, to breathe deeply of your spirit.
It is good to spend time with you, to rest in your sustaining

As I think and read and pray, may I do it in the quiet
confidence that my life rests in you.

In the spirit and name of Jesus. Amen.

~Thomas A. Langford Prayer and the Common Life, pg. 65

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