Saturday, September 19, 2009

September 19, 2009

Here is today's prayer (it is an evening prayer, but with some modification could work as an examen for the previous day):

O God, our Father: as we look back across this day, we ask Thee to forgive us if today we have made things harder for others.

Forgive us if we have made work harder for others, by being careless, thoughtless, selfish, and inconsiderate.
Forgive us if we have made faith harder for others, by laughing at things they hold precious, or casting doubts on things they hold dear.
Forgive us if we have made goodness harder for others, by setting them an example which would make it easier for them to go wrong.
Forgive us if we have made joy harder for others, by bringing gloom and depression through our grumbling discontent.

Forgive us, O God, for all the ugliness of our lives; and tomorrow help us to walk more nearly as our Master walked, that something of His grace and beauty may be on us. This we ask for Thy love's sake. Amen.

From William Barclay's The Plain Man's Book of Prayers, pages 44-45.

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