Monday, September 14, 2009

September 14, 2009

Here is today's prayer:

O God, our Father, who hast bidden us to live in fellowship with one another, keep us from everything which would make us difficult to live with today.

Help us never thoughtlessly or deliberately to speak in such a way that we would hurt another's feelings, or wound another's heart.

Keep us from all impatience, from all irritability, and from a temper which is too quick.
Keep us from eyes which are focused to find fault and from a tongue which is tuned to criticize.
Keep us from being touchy, and quick to take offense, and slow to forget it.
Help us not to be stubborn and obstinate, and keep us from the selfishness which can see nothing but its own point of view, and which wants nothing but its own way.

Grant unto us all through this day something of the grace and beauty which shone upon our blessed Lord.

Hear this our prayer, for Thy love's sake. Amen.

From William Barclay's The Plain Man's Book of Prayers, page 28.

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