Friday, September 4, 2009

September 4, 2009

Here is today's prayer:

O God,
There are times of great difficulty in our lives.
We are hurt, alone, depressed, tense, and afraid. Our
lives are out of joint, our world is oppressive, and we
need your comforting presence.

When life is hard, be with us.
When there is no order, still sustain us.
When we have no strength to reach out, continue
to hold us.
When we experience undue stress, touch us with thy
relaxing grace.

Give us
strength to endure,
a will to trust you,
a heart that is faithful.

But most of all, we, in this time of trouble,
your patience,
your love,
your presence,
and grace.

Into your hands we commend our spirits. Amen.

~Thomas A. Langford Prayer and the Common Life, pg. 41

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