Friday, September 25, 2009

September 25, 2009

In the past few days, we have heard about a teacher who was stabbed to death at a school not far from where we used to live and an auto accident that took the lives of many not far from where we currently live. Today, my heart aches for those who have lost loved ones this week. To that end, here is today's prayer:

Holy God, there are people that are hurting in our communities because of the losses they have sustained over the past few days. We ask that you pour out your Holy Spirit into the lives of those who have recently lost loved ones. We ask that you come along side of them and wrap them in your eternal mercy and grace. We pray that with every breath they take, they know that you are there. Grant them the strength and the courage they need to acknowledge their human loss and to grieve. Grant them the perseverance necessary to navigate these stormy waters. Grant them peace, dear God, and restore their joy in you.

Precious Savior, grant to the rest of us the necessary compassion, boldness, love, and grace to come along side of those suffering in this way. Allow us to quiet our tongues. Permit our presence to be your presence. Grant us discernment and wisdom regarding when and how to speak and to help. Use us as vessels of your unending love.

We ask these things in one voice and one spirit, together as brothers and sisters in Christ, and solely for his names' sake. Amen.

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