Tuesday, March 17, 2009

March 17, 2009

Here is today’s prayer:

We confess that the circle of love is repeatedly broken
because of our sin of exclusion.
We create separate circles: the inner circle and the outer circle,
the circle of power and the circle of despair,
the circle of privilege and the circle of deprivation.
Forgive us our sins, as we forgive all who have sinned against us.

We confess that the circle of love is broken
whenever there is alienation, whenever there is misunderstanding,
whenever there is insensitivity or a hardening of the heart.
Forgive us our sins, as we forgive all who have sinned against us.

We confess that the circle of love is broken
whenever we cannot see eye to eye,
whenever we cannot link and to hand,
whenever we cannot live heart to heart and affirm our differences.
Forgive us our sins, as we forgive all who have sinned against us.

Through God’s grace we are forgiven,
by the mercy of our Creator,
through the love of the Christ,
and in the power of the Spirit.
Let us rejoice and be glad!
Glory to God! Amen.
-Miriam Therese Winter, U.S.A., 20th Cent., alt. (BOW 488)

This prayer series is part of my ongoing ministry as Pastor of Edom United Methodist Church. As such, these prayers are offered as both a reminder to pray and models of prayers, especially of confession, pardon, and repentance during this season of Lent. Therefore, they are a teaching element here on the internet that serves to reinforce lessons that are being taught in classes and sermons throughout the Lenten season. Therefore, as a one-time reproduction I am including the following notice:
Copyright © 1992 The United Methodist Publishing House
United Methodist congregations may reproduce for worship and educational purposes any item from The United Methodist Book of Worship for one-time use, as in a bulletin, special program, or lesson resource, provided that the copyright notice and acknowledgement is included in the reproduction.
Should you wish to use any of the prayers that are offered with this notice attached to it, please refer to the United Methodist Book of Worship for more information on rights and privileges associated with these copyrights.

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