Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Communion with Dad - Overwhelming Gratitude

I have only been in church with my dad a few times in my life. The first one that I can remember was at mine and Erica's wedding. The others have been since I have been appointed here in Edom. He comes to visit and will stay over through Sunday morning and attend church with us here and hear me preach.

It is not a secret that my dad and I spent a number of years apart. Alcoholism, addiction and dysfunction all had parts in creating the gulf that stood between us all those years. Through numerous hunting and fishing trips, getting the families together and hanging out, our wedding, our time is worship together...all have been a part of the reconstruction of our relationship. Dad and I decided a number of years ago that our history was just that and that we had the opportunity and ability to rewrite our future...and we have.

This past weekend, although hectic, was yet another gift in this new found relationship that dad and I have together. This past Sunday was the first Sunday of Lent and also communion Sunday at the churches that I pastor.

As is usual, Bailey and Erica came to the later service at Edom and dad came along with them. The gift came at the end of the service when we consecrated the bread and juice and dad came forward to receive communion.

I looked him in the eyes as I handed him the broken bread and said, "Dad, this is the body of Christ broken for you." He received the juice from a lay person helping me serve and as he walked off to my right, he found himself a spot at the chancel rail and knelt down and prayed. I hesitated for what seemed like an eternity before continuing to serve the remaining folks in the communion line.

In that moment, there was a peace that is simply indescribable. It was the first time that dad and I celebrated communion together...It was the first time that I presided over communion and was able to serve him personally. It was an incredible gift...almost as if we have not only found ourselves within each other, but that we have found each other with and within God as well.

The only words I have for this experience are overwhelming gratitude, Thanks be to God!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this. It gives me hope.

Kerry Sumpter Smith said...

That's awesome!! God is amazing!