Friday, March 20, 2009

General Update & Prayer Requests

This is just a crazy time in the life of this pastor. Perhaps it is because I am coming up to my final interview before commissioning. Perhaps it is because I am about to finish my MDiv degree and graduate. Perhaps it is because after this year at Annual Conference, I will no longer be considered a student pastor. Maybe it is because there has been an intense amount of administration that has had to be done in my ministry in the past few months (a land sale, a church merger, another land and church building sale). It might be because of the upcoming repairs that need to occur at my newest charge. It may just be because we are back into a season of illness with some members in our churches. There is also the added stress of having multiple deaths occurring in our community all in close proximity to one another. Oh yeah, and did I tell you about the great retreat we are leading at the end of April? Or the great concert and block party we have planned for April 4th? Or the incredible ladies we have leading worship on Palm Sunday?

The biggest change, however, is that there is going to definitely be a move in June. It will soon be time to pack, load, and haul our stuff from one place in the conference to another. As situations are still being discussed and finalized in cabinet and around the conference, it is too early to declare a landing place (that is, to let you know where we will be moving to), but as soon as the decisions are finalized, I will let you know where we will be located. It is an exciting time, but with all that is going on, there is a reasonable amount of anxiety and stress that goes along with all of these changes.

So until we can tell you more about our future home, I would ask that you keep our current churches, our future appointment, and our family in your prayers through this next couple of hectic months.

We would love to be praying for you, your family, your communities and your churches in the weeks to come. How can we be in prayer for these areas of your life?

Leave us a comment and let us know what's happening and how we can be praying!




TG said...

we're praying in clear lake!

Russell said...

Thanks TG! It means a lot to have ya'lls support and your prayers.