Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Radically Altered Retreat - Day 2 Session 2

After lunch (which was far better than any of us expected), we gathered back in the upper room for more worship and activities.

We talked about Matthew 22:34-40 and what it means to love God and love our neighbors as ourselves. I showed a video from Highway Videos where a guy gets upset with his neighbor for playing loud music at 3 in the morning. This goes on for several days. The guy retaliates by dumping his neighbor's trash all over his front porch, only to discover even more trash all over his front steps when he gets home from work. Later that same evening more loud music. Fed up he goes upstairs, beats on his neighbor's door only to discover a mirror image of himself (only without a beard) looking back from the other side of the doorway.

Needless to say, conversation moved deeper. I heard one of the participants say that we can't love others as ourselves because we can't love ourselves the way that God loves us...WOW-right on the money.

Next, I showed them Brandon Heath's video of "Give Me Your Eyes". Conversation went even deeper. People began talking about the people that they overlook on a daily basis.

As a response to this session, the participants were invited to help build hygiene kits, kids toy packs, and mothers day gifts for the women of Esperanza. The challenge for those attending is not just to make the items, but to take them to their respective ministries in Houston and distribute them to the people they were intended for and to begin to build relationships with those people...truly loving some of their neighbors in ways that are deep and meaningful.

Here are some pictures of the Mother's day gift assembly and card making:

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