Tuesday, April 28, 2009

April 28, 2009

Here is today's prayer:

Almighty God, Heavenly Father, Loving-Healing-Caring, hear my prayer.
As I thank you for all your love
your presence
your holy presence
your loving acceptance,
it comforts me
to know you
care for me.

All around me are loving-affirming people,
people who love you
care for you
serve you.

Thank you, Lord, for those here who strengthen my faith--who share the ministry of your word.

I pray, Lord for a renewal of spirit,
a healing of my body
and I praise you, Lord,
for the victories that have been won by your power.

Lord, be with those who call upon you for
help in the deep times of their lives.
Help me--and those I minister to--
to fix their eyes--their minds
on Jesus Christ
And to remember that
you are the Lord of our life
and the Lord of our death.

Living we serve you.
Dying we are with you.
Dispel our fears
And fill us with a confidence
that you are the God
always, now and forever,
even where we do not understand the forever.
Hear my prayer.
Thank you Lord.
In Jesus' name
I pray. Amen.

-From the journal of Richard Allen Ward

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