Saturday, August 9, 2008

Sunset at the Lake

I love to watch the setting sun. I am amazed at how God began creation with a light show and how each day begins and ends with such spectacular beauty. But for me, sunsets are more frequently the more beautiful of the two.

My wife will attest to the fact that I am a nut when it comes to a sunset when I have a camera (to give you an example, on our cruise a year or so ago that included Aruba, I took over 200 pictures of a single sunset...made for a fabulous slide show, but was a little over the top to say the least!).

This go round, I was a little less exuberant, but still managed to take a couple of pics the first evening (the first two of the slide show below) and then only 49 of the next evening (some of which were taken really closely together time wise, but with different settings for different effects).

Here are the sunset shots from the weekend at the lake:

I just really better appreciate God's creativity and the beauty within creation when watching the sun set. My question is this: which do you prefer, the setting or rising sun? Why?

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