Wednesday, July 29, 2009

July 29, 2009

Here is today's prayer:

Lord, I seek now to meditate on your disturbing words "I came to bring fire to the earth" (Luke 12:49). What do they mean? What do they mean for me?

Are there things that need to be burned out?...pride...fear...anger? Consume them, each one.

Are there things in this world that you want destroyed--the systems of religion we use to hide from you--the artificial lines we draw that separate us from each other: black from white, men from women, parents from children--the terrible injustices done to the weak and the helpless--the unspeakable violence done to women and to unborn children?

Forgive us, O Lord.
For Jesus' sake. Amen.

Prayer - Finding The Heart's True Home, pg. 154 - Richard J. Foster

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