Monday, July 20, 2009

July 20, 2009

Here is today's prayer:

Gracious Jesus, it is easier for me to approach you with my mind than with my tears. I do not know how to pray from the emotive center of my life or even how to get in touch with that part of me. Still, I come to you just as I am.

I am sorry for my many rejections of your overtures of love. Please forgive all my offenses against your law. I repent of my callous and insensitive ways. Break my stony heart with the things that break your heart.

Jesus, you went through your greatest trial in unashamed agony and wept tears of deep, deep sorrow. In remembrance of your sorrow help me to weep over my sin...and my sins.

For your sake and in your name, I pray.


Prayer - Finding The Heart's True Home, pg. 46 - Richard J. Foster

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