Friday, April 9, 2010

Vacaching Adventure, Day 1

Today I left for my week plus of vacation, during which time I will be geocaching through 10 states. Today I drove through Texas and Louisiana (I had already cached in these two states, so I didn't make any additional stops), and then drove through Mississippi and collected 16 smiley faces (that's finds for you non-geocachers) and 5 new travel bugs and 1 new path tag. It was a great day.

This morning started with a beautiful sunrise and led into an all around gorgeous day. There were all kinds of pastures full of varying colored flowers, but mostly yellows, blues and purples. One of the coolest parts of the morning trip was watching the more than 1 dozen crop dusters do all of their low flying antics right over the freeway in the early morning hours.

I had a little snag this evening in that I drove past my exit for my final took me about 30 miles out of my way, but I did eventually arrive here at Tessa's house with no other ordeals!

We are watching a movie, and then I am off to bed to go at it again tomorrow!

I will upload pictures when I get the chance.

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