Wednesday, April 7, 2010

April 7, 2010

I am a pastor and I frequently get asked how folks can be praying for me or for their own pastor. I ran across a great list published by lduncan on another blog (to which I have regrettably lost the link). It was a list of the types of thinks that we as pastors could use prayers for. I have put some flesh on the list by offering my own words to convey the ideas on the shorter list by Duncan. For the next couple of weeks, I want to invite you to pray these prayers for your own pastor and for all pastors.

Here is today's prayer:

Holy God, I pray for pastor ____________ (fill in the name of the pastor you're praying for). Please grant that they would know, embrace and ever more deeply understand the Gospel and be shaped by it in life and ministry. In Christ's name I pray. Amen.

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