Saturday, August 1, 2009

August 1, 2009

Here is today's prayer:

Dear Father, I don't want to treat you like Santa Claus, but I do need to ask things of you. Give me, please, food to eat today. I'm not asking for tomorrow, but I am asking for today. Please forgive me for the infinite offenses to your goodness that I have committed today...this hour. I'm not even aware of most of them. I live too unaware. That in itself is a sin against heaven. I'm sorry. Increase my awareness.

And in my ignorance if I have asked for things that would really be destructive, please, do not give them to me--do not lead me into temptation. Do protect me from the evil one.

For Jesus' sake. Amen.

Prayer - Finding The Heart's True Home, pg. 24-25 - Richard J. Foster

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