Thursday, June 18, 2009

June 18, 2009

Here is today's prayer:

What a different life it must be not to desire death! How different then is the inclination of our will from the will of God! His will would have us love the truth; we love the life. It would have us desire eternal things; we incline to what is passing. It would have us desire lofty and sublime things; we want vile and earthly things. It would have us desire only what is certain; we love dubious things. It is mockery, my daughters, to ask anything of God but that he deliver us from all these dangers and from all evil, for eternity. Even though we do not make the petition perfectly, let us force ourselves to make it. Does it cost us anything to ask for a great deal, since we are asking One who is powerful? It would be shameful to ask a great emperor for a penny. But, that we may better succeed, let us leave the giving to his will, since we have already given him ours. May his name ever be glorified in heaven and on earth and may his will be always done in me. Amen.

-From Way of Perfection by Saint Teresa of Avila (A Guide to Prayer for Ministers and Other Servants, pg. 171)

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